Beacon busts sneaky contaminants

24 November 2022


Soil vapour from subsurface contamination makes its way to the surface and into the air we breathe when the pressure above ground is lower than the subsurface.

Leaky storage tanks, oil spills and fracking are just some of the causes of subsurface contamination, which can be deceptively damaging. Because it’s underground, there is often the misconception that these contaminants can’t hurt us as we live our lives above the ground. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Soil vapor from subsurface contamination makes its way to the surface and into the air we breathe when the pressure above ground is lower than the subsurface. The contaminants migrate through holes, cracks and any openings in the geology and buildings that we live and work in.

Luckily, thanks to Beacon Environmental, HydroTerra has the right tools for the job to monitor and manage such issues so we can all breathe easy. We offer passive soil vapor and sewer gas sampling to help identify the source, as well as vapor intrusion monitoring to identify the pathways and measure indoor air quality.

Find out more about the Beacon monitoring solutions we offer. And if you have any concerns or queries, please pick up the blower and dial (03) 8683 0091 or email us at