Thanks for a great 2024! HydroTerra’s Marketplace wrap up for the Year that was.

05 December 2024


Greetings everyone from HydroTerra Marketplace.  It has been a very good year for us, and we would like to take this opportunity to say a big “Thank You” to everyone we have worked with in 2024.  Our focus has been to continue to offer a large range of quality products, with detailed and accurate product information and ensuring that every inquiry is answered quickly and thoroughly.

This year, we have placed a large focus on expanding our supplier base and offering their products to our customers.  Some of the suppliers we have onboarded include Oizom (Dust, Odour and Noise Monitoring), Campbell Scientific (Handheld Soil Moisture Probes), Whale Pumps (Submersible Pumps), Edaphic Scientific (Range of Plant and Soil Sensors), EWS (Telemetry Devices), Geolux (Surface Water Velocity and Level), Nxinnovation (Floating Buoys), Sensorex (Sensors including Toroidal Conductivity) and Spectur (Cameras and Solar Power Kits).  It has been a very busy year!

To support all our suppliers, we are of course concentrating on how to enhance our product knowledge.  To achieve this, we are now building a Knowledge Base for all our products through our CRM.  This is a shared resource where we continue to add and refine our product knowledge.  At a click of a button, we can quickly access the shared team product knowledge about a product and are able to offer the best advice when looking at product selection.  A big undertaking?  Absolutely, but is certainly a worthwhile endeavor.

As the Marketplace continues to grow, so does the team.  This year we welcomed Wilma who has been a fantastic addition.  Moving forward, we will continue to hire people who are keen to provide excellent support, have a genuine passion for learning about applications and the best products to offer and who are willing to go that extra mile.

Thank You again from HydroTerra’s Marketplace Team.  Please make sure to reach out to us in 2025 and we will be very happy to help with your monitoring needs.