Introducing, Stygo 5 Geotechnical Vibrating Wire Telemetry Hub

05 September 2024


Stygo 5 VWT (Vibrating Wire Telemetry hub) is an Australian made compact, low power, multi-comms data transmitter and VWP convertor in one.

The unit presents a versatile multi-channel option, multi-communication enabled IoT device designed specifically for remote Geotechnical and Structural monitoring applications. Connect to any Vibrating Wire sensor such as VWP’s, Strain Gauges and Crack Meters, and transmit data from anywhere utilising either 4G LTE or Satellite connectivity. 

The device is four channel which makes it ideal for sites with up to 4 VW instruments such as nested piezometer bores. 


  • Multi-communications option; Send data via satellite (Iridium, or CatM1 LTE). 
  • Reads all Vibrating Wire Sensors.
  • Dual Channel, 4 x VW Sensors 
  • Adjustable sweep range to suit different VW Sensor types. 
  • Internal rechargeable battery pack or long-life non rechargeable options. 
  • Clip on Solar option. 
  • Ultra-Low power draw with internal battery backup. 
  • Configure using Bluetooth mobile app (available on Apple and Android). 
  • Remotely change settings with two way comms including over Iridium.
  • Rugged and robust for harsh environments. 
  • Encoding scheme for compression of data packet size. 
  • Automatic upload to Orion Cloud.   
  • Internal storage of up to 260,000 events. 

For more information, please contact Steve Dudgeon at 

Stygo 5 VWT