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Unidata 2502A Neon Camera System

Unidata 2502A Neon Camera System

Price on request

The 2502A Neon Camera System is a Neon Camera Module interfaced to a Neon Remote Module all housed within a rugged security camera case, which can be mechanically adjusted to the required image view.

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SKU: 2502A | Categories: ,


The 2502A Neon Camera System is a Neon Camera Module interfaced to a Neon Remote Module all housed within a rugged security camera case, which can be mechanically adjusted to the required image view. The system has lithium battery power for both the camera and the Neon Remote Module so it can operate as a stand alone system without the need for external wiring or external power. Alternatively the 2502A Neon Camera Module can be supplied as a stand alone component to be connected to an existing Neon remote Terminal or Module. The Neon Remote Terminal or Module can be programmed to send a ‘take picture’ command to the camera either routinely based on a fixed schedule or on demand. The camera electronics will take the picture and return the image to the Neon Remote Terminal or Module which will then upload the image to a Neon Server. The view / focus / initial setup of the camera can be performed on site using a laptop computer and companion camera software. This process sets up the actual view needed on site. Once these initial view parameters are set, the camera will take a picture of the required view when requested to do so by the Neon Remote Terminal or Module.

This product is compatible with Neon and Datastream.

Additional information


Flexible photo options

Image Specifications

Images with max resolution of 640 x 480


Bare Sensor, Data Logging Sensor

Available for Rent




