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HydraSleeve Skinny/SuperSleeve for PFAS

HydraSleeve Skinny/SuperSleeve for PFAS

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SuperSleeves are a slightly narrower version of the HydraSleeve that can come in longer lengths to capture more volume and require the use of a re-usable top collar. SuperSleeves for PFAS is made with HDPE.


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SuperSleeves for PFAS are made from HDPE instead of the more standard LDPE to avoid potential bias via sorption. SuperSleeves are a slightly narrower version of the HydraSleeve and can come in longer lengths to capture more volume.

The HydraSleeves/SuperSleeves make groundwater sampling a simple, three-step operation that is more effective than pumping or bailing and can cut field sampling cost and your carbon footprint by 50 to 80%.
The low-cost, disposable HydraSleeve/SuperSleeve captures a “core” of water from any discrete interval in the screened portion of the well with no change in water level and minimal disturbance to the water column.
The Sleeve is sealed except during sample collection, then re-seals itself, assuring that a formation quality sample is recovered.

An optional weighted top collar may be attached to the top of the SuperSleeve to carry it to depth and to compress it at the bottom of the well.

Benefits of using a HydraSleeve/SuperSleeve:
• Sample for ALL Compounds
• Reduce Sampling Cost 50%-80%
• Eliminate Purging and Purge-Water Disposal (IDW)
• Highly Portable, No Special Tools or Equipment
• Obtain Depth-Specific Concentration
• Can be used for Vertical Profiling
• Can be used to Sample Slow Recharge Wells
• Proven accurate world-wide.

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High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)




EON Products



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