Aeroqual Ranger Portable Air Quality Monitor
“Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe”, is a line from the major 1974 hit “The Air That I Breathe” by the Hollies. But in the air that we breathe every day, are we getting more than we bargain for? If you are a coal miner, stonemason, construction worker, live near a major roadway or enjoy sitting in front of your woodfire, then the chances are that you are getting exposed to increased levels of particulate matter.
Particulates come in many shapes and sizes but the ones that are of most concern from a health perspective are the very small particles. PM10 particles have a diameter of 10um or less and are small enough to pass through to your lungs. These are referred to as inhalable particles. PM2.5 particles have a diameter of 2.5um or less and these can get deep into the lungs and into the bloodstream. Exposure over long periods to both PM10 and PM2.5 particles can have adverse health effects.
Given the increased awareness of the hazards of particulate matter including dust, smoke, diesel particulates and dirt, there is a need to have access to good measurement technology. Real-time devices are particularly important as they provide immediate notification of elevated particulates. Previous measurement technology relied on the use of sampling pumps and filter cassettes that are sent to a lab for analysis. This is not real-time however and is really a measurement of worker exposure post-event.
Aeroqual Ranger – Portable Dust Monitor.
The development of particle counters for real-time dust monitoring goes back to 1947 with the invention of the first light scattering instrument by Frank Thompson Gucker. Since then, there has been many developments and refinements of particle counters and today we have reliable, portable and accurate real-time monitors such as the AeroQual Ranger™. The Aeroqual Ranger™ Dust is a real-time, active-sampling monitor that provides simultaneous measurements of multiple particle fractions (PM1, PM2.5, PMrsp, PM10, TSP) in a connected, lightweight handheld solution with Cloud-based data visualizations. Suitable for use on a range of projects, including industrial and occupational hygiene, environmental monitoring, personal exposure assessments, and indoor/outdoor air quality assessments.
Who is the Aeroqual Ranger™ designed for? It is designed for Industrial and Occupational Hygienists, air quality consultants, indoor air quality professionals, building certifiers and environmental health and safety (EHS) professionals. Applications include:
- Industrial and occupational hygiene monitoring
- Personal exposure monitoring
- Indoor and outdoor air quality assessments
- Environmental impact assessments
- Ambient air quality monitoring
- Engineering control assessments
Please call HydroTerra today on 03 8683 0091 for more details on this product. Or take a look on our website Aeroqual Ranger Portable Air Quality Monitor – HydroTerra