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HydroTerra Data Buoys

HydroTerra Data Buoys

Price on request

HydroTerra supply a range of Data Buoy’s that are rugged, single-person deployable platform for a wide range of below-water environmental sensors. Models are designed for the deployment in lakes, rivers, estuaries, harbors and sheltered coastal areas or deployment in waterways that have strong current flows such as rivers, streams and estuaries.

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HydroTerra supply a range of Data Buoy’s that are rugged, single-person deployable platform for a wide range of below-water environmental sensors. Models are designed for the deployment in lakes, rivers, estuaries, harbors and sheltered coastal areas or deployment in waterways that have strong current flows such as rivers, streams and estuaries.

The all come with an integrated data well and optional solar panels for a wide range of data loggers and telemetry units.

Suitable for a range of applications such as Water quality, Marine security, Dredging/sediment, Weather Monitoring, Emergency spill monitoring, Wave and Velocity and Current.

Add on options include Level, Water quality sensors, Weather sensors, Data logger / Telemetry, Visual Monitoring, Velocity and Current

Additional information

Install Environment

Short term in lakes, rivers, estuaries, harbors and sheltered coastal areas, Longer term in lakes, rivers, estuaries, harbors and sheltered coastal areas, Waterways that have strong current flows such as rivers, streams and estuaries

Solar Power

No, 4x 2.5 watt (DB400 & 450), 2 x 10 watts (DB1000)


Integrated Systems

Available for Rent






Our sales staff are highly trained and would be happy to take your call or email to discuss any product or service. We provide obligation-free quotes on everything from single dataloggers to large monitoring programs!