Our recent Tech-Talk with Sentek

16 May 2024


We recently welcomed Sentek’s ANZ Regional Manager, Medi Zaboli, as part of our Tech-Talk series. Sentek design, develop, and manufacture Best-In-Class technology for measuring and managing moisture, salinity, and temperature of soil. The presentation explored soil moisture products applications and emerging technology innovations.

Medi covered a range of technologies and industries in which Sentek are currently operating in. We also explored some case studies where Sentek’s technology has been successfully installed for monitoring purposes.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Tech-Talk. If you are after any further information from Medi or from us, please don’t hesitate to contact us on +61 (3) 8683 0091 or send an email to info@hydroterra.com.au

You can view the full Tech-Talk on the webinars page on our website or on our YouTube channel, along with all of our previous webinars. Click below for Medi’s full presentation.

Full Tech-Talk