Aeroqual’s premium remediation monitoring system

21 March 2024



A top-rated engineering firm recently deployed an all-in-one remediation monitoring system to safeguard citizens during the large-scale redevelopment of a former industrial manufacturing site in Los Angeles (LA). The Aeroqual Dust Sentry exceeded all regulatory requirements, collecting data in real-time and minimizing fugitive dust emissions.

SCS engineers were asked to design an environmental monitoring plan that met strict local requirements for a new industrial development in LA. This particular site posed an increased risk level, having been used for manufacturing for approximately 70 years. All remediation activities in Southern California require compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1466, designed to minimize fugitive dust emissions from earth-moving activities at sites containing specific toxic air contaminants.

Several air monitoring options were investigated before it was decided to use the Aeroqual Dust Sentry PM10 system. The Dust Sentry not only met the requirements of the SCAQMD Rule 1466, it exceeded them. The Dust Sentry is purpose-designed for remediation and construction site monitoring, allowing the SCS team to remotely monitor the site during excavation activities. The Aeroqual Cloud server makes it easy to compile the necessary information on-demand.

Aeroqual also offers a unique site apportionment app for consulting and compliance purposes. This innovative software tool calculates the difference between upwind and downwind data on a site and reports the real-time PM10 site activity contribution, saving plenty of man-hours.

SCS Engineers installed two Dust Sentry PM10 monitors, along with a wind sensor integrated with one monitor on the wind perimeter for plotting dust rose charts. A Hi-Vol sampler was co-located to collect particulate samples for composition analysis by an offsite laboratory.

Aeroqual’s purpose-built remediation technology played an important role in exceeding all regulatory requirements while protecting civilians and controlling fugitive emissions. The full case-study article can be found here. 

You can also check out the Dust Sentry PM10 on our website.

Dust Sentry PM10