What we learnt about AquaWatch Australia

18 April 2024


If you missed our previous webinar, we were joined by Dr’s Alex Held, Tim Malthus, and Klaus Joehnk from CSIRO. They spoke to us about their current mission to create a ‘weather service’ for water quality. The aspiration for AquaWatch is to achieve a real-time, nationwide water quality forecast.

We learned about:

  • Some of the fundamental challenges they are facing in developing a sensor network across a continent with high geographic complexity.
  • How these challenges are being overcome by using hybrid models which allow for a more holistic view.
  • What AquaWatch actually is and how it works.
  • How the forecasting will be scaled.
  • The minimization of human health impacts.
  • Improved ecosystem assets and services.

We had a large number of questions that arose over the course of the webinar. We were unfortunately unable to answer all of them, if you would like to get in contact with any of the presenters, their emails can be found at the end of the webinar. We would like to once again thank Alex, Tim, and Klaus for agreeing to present and delivering such an engaging presentation. As always, we love facilitating knowledge sharing and industry development, this is all made possible by our attendees. Thank you to those of you who attended the webinar, we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

You can access the recording of the webinar on our website or our YouTube channel, click below to view this webinar.

Full Webinar