Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/09/groundwater-a-significant-source-of-pollution-on-great-barrier-reef-study-shows
Scientists have recently discovered that large flows of pollution are reaching the Great Barrier Reef after soaking into underground water. The new research claims that almost a third of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and two-thirds of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in the reef’s waters are coming from underground sources.
UN science experts have recently flagged concerns regarding the lack of sufficient progress in improving water quality. Furthermore, Dr Douglas Tait recently stated that the study “underscores the need for a strategic shift in management approaches”. There exists limited research into the contribution of groundwater as a route for nutrients to reach the reef, however, its contribution had until recently been considered minor.
The government has invested a significant sum of money into protecting the reef, as well as endorsing practical projects to improve the quality of water flowing to the reef. On a smaller scale, there is much that can be done to mitigate potential impacts of pollution. The continual monitoring & management of groundwater being one of the ways we can ensure improved water quality.
Groundwater monitoring and sampling technology is readily available. At HydroTerra, we have a large range of technology in the field of Groundwater. Visit our website through the link below to view our extensive range of products.
HydroTerra's groundwater technologyPlease reach out to our dedicated sales team if you have any enquiries or to request a quote. You can reach them via an email to info@hydroterra.com.au or phone +61 (3) 8683 0091.
This piece is taken from an article published in The Guardian which you can view here. The research upon which this article is based was carried out by scientists at Southern Cross University, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, and CSIRO.