ICT International’s workshop wonder

15 December 2022


Recently, Environmental Scientist for ICT International, Sam Fisher, provided the HydroTerra team a workshop on their world-class monitoring solutions focused on plant water use, plant water potential, and soil moisture management.

ICT International is a technologically-advanced, high value-added manufacturer, exporting its unique soil, plant, and environmental instrumentation to more than 55 countries annually.

ICT International’s integrated Sensor Node IoT Packages (SNiP) provide off-the-shelf pre-configured monitoring solutions. The range of SNiPs within their catalogue includes sensors, nodes, and power and mounting accessories. The SNiP can expand to incorporate multiple compatible sensors and accessories.

ICT International supplies IoT solutions to a global customer base, working across multiple LoRaWAN frequency plans and 4G LTE network providers.

Unsure about the best communication technology for your monitoring project? Call our team today for expert advice on your selection options.