Passive air sampling success with Beacon

18 January 2022


Consultants are often in need of a cost-effective solution for identifying contaminates, without intrusive drilling. HydroTerra’s partnership with Beacon Environmental provides the perfect option for many projects, with successful recent engagements by Senversa and Aurecon.
Beacon Environmental is an ISO accredited laboratory specialising in the analysis of soil gas and air samples using quantitative passive samplers. Beacon is known for providing highly accurate and reliable soil gas, vapor intrusion, and air emissions data in the industry.

Passive soil gas surveys use samplers that are placed subsurface to absorb volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) in soil gas, without forcing the flow rate of gas that can yield a more representative sample than active soil gas methods. Samplers are typically placed in a grid pattern to simultaneously sample trace levels of compounds in soil gas that originate from contamination in soil or groundwater.

Through its partnership with Beacon Environmental, HydroTerra can assist with monitoring design, deployment of Beacon sampling viles, collection of the viles, freight to Beacon and dissemination of the laboratory results (including contour mapping of key contaminates). HydroTerra recently assisted a consultant on a working industrial site in Dandenong, Victoria. The site also experienced high groundwater levels, which inundated a number of sampling viles. This had no impact on the laboratory analysis and identification of contaminants at the site.

Passive Soil Gas Sampling Instructional Video

Beacon Passive Soil Gas Sampling