The Solinst 104 Sonic Water Level Meter is a portable, acoustic ranging instrument designed to simply and quickly measure depth to static water level in a well, piezometer, sounding tube, or any closed pipe.
Depth to water level measurements is recorded without having to put any instruments down the well, eliminating the need for any decontamination.
It works in straight or crooked pipes and is ideal for wells with difficult access.
Static water level measurements to 600 m are possible.
The Solinst 104 Sonic Water Level Meter consists of a Control Unit and connected Probe. The Probe connects to the Control Unit with a 1.8 m cable. The Probe is designed to sit in the vent opening of a 2″ well cap.
For measurement in larger diameter openings, each Sonic Water Level Meter includes a plastic disc to cover the well opening. This ensures a strong signal and accurate water level reading.
The unit is supplied with a convenient Solinst Field Bag.