Truth or dare?

25 January 2023


The answer, surely, is always “truth”. Same goes for integrated systems – their purpose is to provide truthful reporting. An integrated system includes a network of sensors connected to telemetry which enables data to be collected remotely. It can also include data visualisation packages that allow the user to understand their data set to a higher degree. Through using a data visualisation package such as DataStreamTM, operational efficiencies can improve, resulting in large cost savings for your project. But importantly, DataStreamTM Data Management Systems provide ongoing management of truthful data with trusted reporting, enabling efficient and informed decision-making. You wouldn’t dare risk your valuable data with an unreliable management system would you?

System Support Teams

HydroTerra collaborates closely with our customers to achieve cost-effective sustainable operation of our DataStreamTM monitoring systems, sharing resources and providing training to enable optimum on-ground and systems support.

System Oversight

The DataStreamTM Site Coordinator leads the setup of alarms and associated data visualisation on third-party cloud-hosted sensor networks. The purpose of the alarms is to ensure measurements are being captured as per the system requirements. Such things that may trigger an alarm are:

  • Low or dead batteries
  • Measurements outside the agreed-upon range (data validation)

The degree of oversight by HydroTerra is based on a Service Level Agreement with agreed response times. By setting up these alarms, you are removing the risk of losing critical data and causing major costs in your project.

System Maintenance

HydroTerra’s trained instrumentation engineers and technicians provide a flexible capable team for undertaking unscheduled and scheduled maintenance programs.

System Performance Reporting

Monitoring data needs to be trusted. HydroTerra produces system reports using standardized system-based templates that identify percentage complete and data quality.

System Training

To enable a collaborative approach to monitoring, site management requires training in HydroTerra’s site-based systems and DataStreamTM procedures. HydroTerra provides site-specific delivery of training programs to site operators and teams for in-house system operation, maintenance, and reporting purposes.

If you’d like to find out the truth about DataStreamTM please call us on 03 8683 0091 or enquire using the form below.