AP-PRO Aquaprobe by AquaRead Multiparameter Probe
Great news! Our first demonstration AP-PRO Aquaprobe from AquaRead has arrived and is looking good! The unit, exciting for its ability to measure multiple parameters including pH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity, at far greater depths than before, has just been released and there’s no doubt it holds a promising future.
Some key features include:
- Constructed using Titanium and Carbon Fibre providing both exceptional corrosion resistance and high compression strength
- Designed to measure at extreme depths of up to 300m
- Integrated BlueTooth [AS version]
- Measurement chamber designed to be used as a calibration cup
- Self-cleaning using wiper
- Smart Sensors – calibration data stored on sensor memory

AP-PRO Components
If you would like a demonstration of this great new technology, get in touch with us by calling (03) 8683 0091.
AP-PRO Aquaprobe