Streams of work for a healthy Yarra

24 November 2022


You Yarra, Birrarung: Healthy, Protected, and Loved. Strategic Plan 2022-2025“Your Yarra, Birrarung: Healthy protected, and loved”, The Yarra Riverkeepers Association’s (YRKA) Strategic Plan 2022-2025, is out now.

With issues such as poor riverside planning, unhealthy flow regimes, declining biodiversity, climate change, contaminated stormwater and pollution, the Yarra, Birrarung, and its flora and fauna are in danger of degradation.

To effectively protect the river – which encompasses more than a third of Victoria’s population and provides more than 70 per cent of our drinking water – the plan highlights the need for collective impact.

“At the heart of it, YRKA aims to improve the relationship between people and nature. We use research and experience to speak honestly on behalf of the river and its ecosystems,” according to the Yarra Riverkeeper Charlotte Sterrett.

The plan provides not only the strategic framework for the YRKA’s work over the coming years, but also a set of four Work Streams, each with their own impact areas, outcomes, strategies and indicators. The Work Streams are identified as:

  • Influence
  • Community
  • River health
  • Organisation

“This plan helps us to build on our successes of the past 18 years and strengthen our efforts by holding us to account and by collaborating with Traditional Owners and others to ensure a healthy, protected and loved Yarra, Birrarung”.

Read the YRKA 2022-2025 Strategic Plan here: Your Yarra, Birrarung: Healthy protected, and loved”.