The mining industry has a diversity of players, each with their own goals and aspirations, that don’t always align. There are small, medium, large, and global businesses involved, not to mention the education and research institutions and government authorities with a range of interests and priorities at any given time. Industry Associations are vital in all industries, and that’s particularly so in mining.
It’s interesting to compare some of the key industry associations and influential research corporations in mining to identify how and where there are networks, links and collective voices to bring about positive change at scale.
Here’s a summary of some of the key industry associations in mining:
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM)
An industry body providing a voice for people working in all aspects of the resources sector. They provide professional development such as mining conferences, leadership events, online learning and industry news to help build and accelerate careers. They aim to connect professionals and have a community from 110 countries.
Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC)
AMEC is a national association with a vision to ensure the government and community prioritises and supports the interests of explorers, emerging miners, and producers. They advocate on behalf of their more than 500 member companies, running campaigns and education and providing strategic advice on issues while also developing innovative and solution driven policy.
Australian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA)
ALGA strives to protect, restore, and manage contaminated land and groundwater to enhance human health and benefit the broader environment across Australasia by advocating for, supporting, connecting and informing its members. It provides professional development, networking and helps drive industry innovation and research.
International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia (IAH Australia)
A scientific and educational charitable organisation with a mission to further the understanding, wise use and protection of groundwater resources throughout the world. The IAH has a membership of 4000 scientists, engineers, water managers and other professionals working in the fields of groundwater resource planning, management and protection
The Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME)
There are very few examples of successful mine closures and relinquishment. The CRC TiME is dedicated to addressing this glob challenge.
They aim to transform post-mine transitions by bringing together over 70 leading mining and mining service companies, regional development organisations, State and Commonwealth governments and research partners. This unique coalition allows for innovative research that addresses the complex challenges underpinning mine closure and relinquishment. Additionally, the CRC is committed to First Nations Inclusion, determined to facilitate a legacy that is designed with and by First Nations people, not just for them.
Australia Coal Industry Research Program (ACARP)
Supporting research projects on all aspects of the production and use of black coal including health, safety and the environment.
Australian Aluminium Council (AAC)
Representing the Australian Aluminium industry, the AAC develops and maintains material specifications, standards and other technical data for users within and outside the mining industry.
ICMM Mining with Principles
Facilitating global collaboration of mining and metals companies to enhance their contribution to creating a safe, just and sustainable world through responsibly produced metals and minerals. They aim to strengthen environmental and social performance.
Minerals Council of Australia
Representing and advocating for the minerals sector, promoting and enhancing sustainability, profitability and competitiveness.
Minerals Council of Australia Website
Minerals Exploration CRC
A mineral exploration collaboration bringing together industry, government and research organisations.