Troy Thompson, HydroTerra Operations Manager, presents Natasha Dun with third place
Congratulations to Natasha Dun (Helia EHS) who claimed the HT sponsored third place prize of $250 in ACLCA’s Early Career Professionals (ECP) awards, presented this month at RMIT University Melbourne.
There were five ECPs presenting in the hope of taking out the top prize – the opportunity to attend and present at ALGA’s 2023 EcoFroum Conference in October – all did a remarkable job
First Place went to Sophia Giarrusso (Aurecon) who provided an “Introduction to Monte Carlo modelling for ECPs ” Monte Carlo analysis can be used to estimate the environmental liability (measured as variability in cost to remediate) of a contaminated site.

Five finalists of the ECP seminar presentations
Second place went to Shane Ellis (Tetra Tech) who presented on “Kaniva – Lemon Springs Remediation: Australia’s Largest Buried Waste Toxic Site Remediation and its Interaction with Contaminated Land Management Policy.”
Natasha Dun’s (Helia EHS)’s presentation was assisting councils to meet their General Environmental Duty (GED) under the EP Act 2017, a hot topic of particular interest to HydroTerra.