Save the date! ALGA’s ecoforum is back

16 March 2023


The Australian Land & Groundwater Association (ALGA) is excited to announce that ecoforum is back in 2023, held in conjunction with the 8th International Sustainable Remediation Conference from 10 – 13 October. ALGA, with the excellent work of the ecoforum/SustRem 2023 committees and sub-committees, is delighted to present:

Ecoforum 2023:

The conference will be an in-person event in Melbourne. They will be tackling the main challenges facing the industry by bringing in some of the best and most experienced local and international speakers, ensuring that all attendees leave with exciting new knowledge.

SustRem 2023:

ALGA & SuRF-ANZ have stated that SustRem 2023 will be held in conjunction with Ecoforum in 2023. SustRem conferences are coordinated by internationally acknowledged organisations such as the NICOLE and NICOLA networks (Networks for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe, Latin America and Africa) and various SuRF (Sustainable Remediation Forum) chapters worldwide (now grouped under the International Sustainable Remediation Alliance, ISRA).

SustRem 2023 will be an opportunity for professionals from Australasia and around the world to come together to share knowledge and innovations in sustainable practices for the management of contaminated sites.

Visit ALGA’s website for more information.