ALGA – Industry Excellence Awards 2022

24 November 2022


Richard Walsh (HydroTerra) & Matt Potter (ALGA)

The Australian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA) hosted their Industry Excellence awards on Friday last week and it was a huge success. The ALGA awards recognise the best in contaminated land and groundwater management in Australia and New Zealand. The core focus of ALGA is to support advances in the prevention, assessment and remediation of contaminated land and groundwater. This was a great opportunity to catch up with some of our existing customers and also to say hello to an old friend of ours – Matthew Potter, Chief Executive Officer of ALGA.

Congratulations to all the award winners announced on the night:

  • Best New Zealand Investigation and Environmental Outcome: Andrew Rumsby – Understanding Residential Soil Lead Contamination (EHS Support)
  • Best Australian Investigation and Environmental Outcome: The Torrens to Darlington (T2D) Project (Kleinfelder, Aurecon and the Government of South Australia)
  • Best Remedial Project (Less than $1 Million): Managing Risk and Reducing Costs for a Complex, Unknown and Fire-Damaged Waste (Enviropacific)
  • Best Remedial Project (Greater than $1 Million): Benchmark Gasworks Remediation Practices in a Dense Urban Setting – Fitzroy Gasworks (Enviropacific)
  • Sustainable Remediation Project Management: Dual-Power Dual-Vapour Treatment Solar SVE and Enhanced In-Situ Bioremediation (AECOM)
  • Innovation that has Advanced the Practice of Contaminated Site Assessment, Management and/or Remediation): Australia’s first Commercial Laboratory for Microplastic Testing for Environmental Samples (Eurofins)
  • Outstanding Contribution by an Individual: Casey O’Farrell (Tetra Tech Coffey)
  • Emerging Professional of the Year: Emily Brown (Photon Water, Photon Energy Group)
  • Best Contaminated Land Photo sponsored: Safely Inspecting Hazardous Wastes with Thermal Imaging (Enviropacific)
  • ALGA Volunteer of the Year: Graham Aveyard (Environment Canterbury Regional Council)

HydroTerra would like to acknowledge the great work put in by the ALGA Team to make this conference happen.

Richard Walsh, Product Sales Manager, HydroTerra