ALGA ecoforum success!

19 October 2023


HydroTerra products on display

HydroTerra’s focus at this month’s ALGA ecoforum/SustRem 2023 event in Melbourne was centred around our two presentations: One on the benefits of modular integrated monitoring systems, and a second, on the need for more skills training of environmental practitioners.

Our presentations supported the overall event theme of “Meeting the Challenges for a Sustainable Future” and helped ALGA build a fascinating program of relevant content, delivered by local and international speakers on topics including policy and regulation, climate change, circular economy and social sustainability.


We presented two segments for the ecoforum/SustRem 2023 event which you can view here:



Steve Dudgeon presenting at ecoforum

Integrated monitoring systems: From bespoke to modular and what this means for your site delivered by Steve Dudgeon, Director of Modular Integrated IoT Systems & Principal Environmental Scientist, HydroTerra.

“Filling the gap in technical training of early career environmental professionals to activate industry growth delivered by Richard Campbell, Managing Director, HydroTerra.