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Solinst 3001 Barologger 5

Also available for Rent, price on enquiry.

Solinst 3001 Barologger 5

Price on request

The Solinst 3001 Barologger 5 measures and logs changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature, which are then used to compensate water level readings recorded by a Levelogger.

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The most accurate method of obtaining changes in water level is to compensate for atmospheric pressure fluctuations using a Solinst 3001 Barologger 5.

The Solinst 3001 Barologger 5 is set above high-water level in one location on site. One Barologger can be used to compensate all Leveloggers in a 30km radius and/or with every 300m change in elevation.

The Barologger 5 uses pressure algorithms based on air rather than water pressure, giving superior accuracy. The recorded barometric information can also be very useful to help determine barometric lag and/or barometric efficiency of the monitored aquifer.

The Barologger 5 records atmospheric pressure in psi, kPa, or mbar. When compensating submerged Solinst 3001 Levelogger 5, Edge, Gold or Junior data, Levelogger Software can recognize the type of Levelogger and compensate using the same units found in the submerged data file (e.g. feet or meters). This makes the Solinst 3001 Barologger 5 backwards compatible.

Additional information

Probe size

22mm x 160mm (7/8" x 6.3")


± 0.05ºC (Temperature Sensor), ± 0.05 kPa (Level Sensor)


1.5 m

Operating Temperature

-20°C to 80°C

Battery Life

10 years – based on 1 reading / minute


150,000 sets of readings


Data Logging Sensor

Available for Rent






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